Who We Are

The Sons of Anxiety are a group of friends who have all experienced mental health personally. There’s one key message from us and that’s our desire to increase the visibility of common mental health conditions.

That aim is fuelled by the many people that we know who have been adversely affected by anxiety, stress, BPD, addiction and suicidal thoughts. 

It’s such a commonplace thing in the UK today and whilst it’s high on the media agenda, there still isn’t anywhere near enough openness, discussion or meaningful connection.

We’re standing as one, being upfront about these things and building an accepting, supportive community for whom these conversations are commonplace. 

We are the Sons of Anxiety.

Never alone, stronger together.
Of adults experienced high levels of anxiety in the UK last year.
0 %
Of adults reported mental health problems last year.
0 %
UK suicides in the year 2020.
Adults had treatment for anxiety or depression in 2021

What We Do

You’ll know about the mental health crisis that Britain is facing.

Lockdown was hard.

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in England.

1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health issue like anxiety or depression in ANY given week in the UK.

We’re building a tribe for whom it’s ok to admit to these things.

And wearing that struggle.

We offer T shirts to establish a sense of visibility and togetherness. Our designs reference activities that improve our mental health, namely boxing, meditation and yoga, and our profits will help to fund different community initiatives.

We have many partnerships planned in a variety of spheres in the coming months.

On the site you will also find a place to share your story. The idea is to offer you a safe space to tell us what life has been like and to normalise that, as the submissions from the tribe grow.

We have podcasts and resources linked to our own mental health journeys on the way and we’re aiming to be as relatable as possible.

Sons of Anxiety Mental health Awareness

Why We Do It

Our project is more than about selling shirts. All of us have been volunteering in the mental health sector for some time now, alongside regular jobs.

We’re committed to improving things because we’ve been at the sharp end of it ourselves, and we believe that it really can, and WILL get better.

The belief that togetherness is key underpins what we do. That we can lead from the front, that we can say, ‘This has happened to us,’ or ‘this is happening now,’ and in voicing that, community, identification and acceptance follows.

We also feel that it’s so important to hand that positivity on, hence why we’re reaching out to community projects and charities, to offer our support from sales.

As our tribe grows, so will the resources that we can offer. We’ve got some big plans and we’re always open to ideas, just drop us an email or a message on Instagram if you’d like to chat.

Hear us on the Radio

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BBC Radio Sussex
0:00 / 0:00
Meridian FM Radio
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BBC Radio

Would you like to share your story?

Sons of Anxiety has a dedicated page to help bring our tribe together and share their stories. 

We’ll be sharing ours and we’d encourage people if they’re happy to do so, to do the same. That way the tribe knows that they’re not alone.

Entries are anonymous and the sole purpose is to find some common ground, some understanding and some ownership if that’s what you need.

Any information will not be shared with any third party.

We would like to send you the odd helpful email about overcoming mental health challenges if that’s OK with you. 

Just tell us if not.

There is a list of free contact numbers, resources and support organisations when you share your story with us.

Please only share your story if you feel comfortable and safe doing so, this should be a positive experience above all else.

Click below for the disclaimer.

Add your own experience here ...

We Are The Sons Of Anxiety




